Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ramblin' Rose

Where's Nat King Cole when you really need him?

One of the things that shocks me about my situation is how extremely difficult it is to take a shower.  The shower takes 10 minutes and the recovery takes half an hour and is pretty painful.  So, it's pretty clear I need some help.  The nurse's aide assigned to my support team came today and she made things a little easier, but it was still no walk in the park.  Sigh. New realities, new realities.

A big celebration day at our house! The handyman came and was able to replace the floodlights in the high ceiling of the front porch.  These bulbs have needed to be replaced since Christ was a corporal, and I'd love to lay the entire delay off on my invalid status...but...not so much! I never met a procrastination strategy that I didn't like. ("How great the hazard of such procrastination is, has been demonstrated by better pens.") Apologies only go so far, but excuses can be stretched out for a lifetime!

Just heard that Jeff and Barb are coming down for a visit in a few weeks.  Barb, my sole advice to you is not to feed him any beans at the beginning of the trip. Oh, and he likes crawfish etouffe from Pappa Deaux. If you need an explanation, call Judy.

The doggie bus is due to arrive late this week assuming that Joel can find the place again.  I'm hoping that he and Jean can spend some time out here in Keller in between Cheer's runs.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: One slightly used house in Manchester Center, Vermont.  Comes with lots of acres of land and great memories of our dogs chasing tennis balls until they dropped.  There were times when they were so tired from tennis balls, I swear that the bunny rabbit next door could be seen jogging in place simply to get his exercise.  That rabbit, who was fond of torturing all four dogs at the limit of the electronic fence, has written several postcards since we left asking when the dogs would return!  Apparently, he prefers exercise and a healthy diet to Lipitor!

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: (cont.) One nearly new home on 80 acres in the lower right corner of Kansas (they appear not to have more specific addresses out there?!?!).  This property comes complete with game trails, blinds, salt licks and on enormous garage with an arrow-hole through the side. Not, as local legend would have it, the result of an Indian attack, but rather from an errant speed-test arrow by the current resident on his newest super-duper 18-wheeled, 4 speed, gold-plated re-re-re-curved bow as he prepared to demonstrate his prowess with said bow to some brothers-in-law who weren't skeptical in the first place.

Dove Bar.  White Bermuda shorts.  Klutz.  Anyone care to guess at the results of that little close encounter of the three kinds?


Unknown said...

Sigh! Papa Deaux, crawfish etouffe',shrimp creole, belly up to the bar.....good memories with the Bro! Love you Jer!

Sara Kelly said...

OK, now I can't get that song out of my head! Could be worse, I heard a French song yesterday while listening to Sarah's Key on CD while driving, one that we used to sing in Sister Ursula's class; that song lasted way too long. A 10 minute shower? Is there any other kind? I do wish it were your choice to take that long, however. I had a great phone call with Brent Bombard this morning; the "bus" post made him realize that you had more similarities in your military experiences than he ever knew.

Jean said...

Doggy bus about to leave Murfreesboro. Spec and Cheer stopping to do some agility along the way. Papa Joel has to watch....poor him. :) Hope to get there with enough day left Thursday to come for a visit if we can.